Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: Health

As we walk into a new year of 2014 I have one word on my mind - health.  I commit to spending this year pursuing health.  Although this pursuit is somewhat cliché I hope to do it in a way that is different than I have attempted to in the past.  While exercise and diet are a part of this plan I do not plan on rushing to the gym January 1 and cutting all sugar out of my diet, but rather hope to change my lifestyle, tune my thinking and reevaluate my relationship with my health as I transition out of pregnancy and into life as a mom.  

As a former anorexic I approach this topic of health, body image, diet, exercise and weight loss with great gentleness.  While I celebrate my freedom from this trap I lived in during my teenage years, I recognize the value of focusing on creating healthy habits so I can have a healthy body after so many changes in the last year.  Yet I tred these waters with such care as to not slide down that slippery slope of obsession with my weight and appearance again.

I am so thankful for my freedom but acknowledge the struggle that gaining 50 pounds has been and recognize that it has surfaced the remains of any manifestation of this struggle in my life.  While I would say I am 95% free from these issues, I am ready for the full 100 percent, completely and holistically healthy.

After playing mental tug-of-war with myself for the last two months over these topics, I have come to conclude that there is a place where I can now make healthy choices that are life giving and honoring to God and also not obsessive or destructive.  I also recognize that over the past 13 years I have completely avoided such topics in fear that I would misuse and mistreat my body again.  I am finally mature enough to recognize the value of focusing on health and desire to be completely healthy and free from the issues of the past.

As I look back over the past 3 years, I can see how God has been bringing about healing in my life from the inside out.  First He restored my spirit and faith, then my soul (mind, emotions, will) and now I believe is the time for my body to be restored to health.  I will pull on solid resources and seek the healing of Jesus for my body as I learn about holistic health.

To read more about my history and the testimony of what God has done in my life read the following post or simply click here: From Darkness to Light.  This goes more in depth about the past, pain, choices, and ultimate freedom that God has given me from these issues!  The history of my issues with health will set a foundation as to how and why I am focusing on health this year.

I will now attempt to articulate my goal and plan to refine my body back to health!  Rather than trying to take control myself I want to pursue a healthy being in a way that honors and trusts in this God who is the author of health, who can do more than we could ever ask or imagine or think, and who is in complete control.

From the beginning of this pregnancy my husband and I believed this experience of creating life and these changes would restore my body to health.  While my goal is not to get my body back to the size it was before, it is to be healthy.

Things I did wrong 13 years ago in my pursuit of "health:" 
Over-prioritize - Chaos - Obsession - Black and white thinking - Lack of self control - Snowball - Secrecy - Lack of variety - Impatience - Immaturity - Too rigid 

Things I will do differently as I pursue health again: 
Support and accountability- I cannot describe the benefits of having others in my life rooting for me, standing with me, praying and encouraging me in this pursuit and I have been sharing this new plan with others and asking for their support.  
Expose my thoughts- Even throughout my pregnancy I have kept some of my thoughts about these topics secret because I am embarrassed that 13 years later I am still thinking about and struggling with some of the same things, but through this blog will expose the thoughts in my mind as I also take them captive and redirect negative thoughts into positive ones.  
Variety- Doing that same diet and exercise routine drove me insane, and I commit to mixing things up this time to keep it fresh for my body and mind.  
Enjoy- I will SET my mind before I develop a new healthy habit that I will enjoy this pursuit of health.  
Patience- I will be patient with the process of restoration and shut down the expectation that my body or mind will change quickly.  All change that lasts takes time.  For starters, I am setting this whole year aside to pursue health. 
Flexible- I will not adhere SO strictly to my goals and habits as my black and white thinking was a major factor in my former destructive habits.  For example, if I commit to exercise three times a week and only make it twice one week, I will give myself the grace to accept that and move on.   
Balance- Along the same lines, I will balance my desire for health rather than allowing it to consume my thinking.  I do have a beautiful newborn baby and an incredible husband whom I hope consume most of my mental and physical energy and love and focus.  I will commit to health but allow it to remain on the back burner of my priorities during this year as I enjoy my family and friends.  
Motives- Rather than wanting to be healthy because I hate who I am, this time I want to be healthy because I love who I am, I value myself, I value my body, and I value what I can give to the world when I am most healthy.
Think less, live more- While I hope my thoughts are intellectually-based I also hope to move away from staying in the intellectual world by giving more practical tips that can be life-changing.  I hope to do less thinking about health and more living health this year.  

While this list is far from complete it gives me some ideas as to what I could focus on this year and potentially blog about as this year!

My MAIN motive in pursuing health is for my incredible and precious Eden.  As I welcome my beautiful daughter into the world I want to reevaluate my views on health and body image and beauty so that I can establish once and for all what I believe, how I will live, and what I will model for my daughter as I raised her in all of these really challenging painful and potentially destructive topics.  

I am taking on this challenge and pursuit of health during the year of 2014!  I am going to keep this theme of creating a new habit every month and this year each habit will be focused on health.

I will commit to posting at the beginning of each month and this initial post will share the brief description of my goal and new habit for the new month.  I also hope to add random "mini-posts" throughout the month written specifically for Eden and any of you who would join me.  These posts will document the learnings, revelations, and fruit of creating these healthy habits.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, you were bought with a price.  Therefore honor God with your body."

I will be following a 12 step curriculum called Look Great, Feel Great written by Joyce Meyer.  Her ministry has taught me countless life changing truths and her teaching is rock solid. 

Join me on this adventure!

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, there is no better way to start your year than with great goals in mind, particularly if it’s about being healthy. It may be challenging at first, but if you learn how to balance everything, it will be more fun than stressful. Or better yet, you can consult your doctor for advice on meal and exercise plans that are suitable for you. Good luck!

    Earnest Rodgers @ Total T Clinic
