Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Just Do It

The enemy of taking action to create new habits is the excuse, "I am trying."  I know because I have used this excuse for years.  This is what I had to tell myself:

Stop trying.  Stop trying to eat healthier and exercise more and sleep more and drink more water.  Stop trying to eat less desserts and more fruit.  Stop trying to be less stressed at work.  Stop trying to be less negative and gossip less.  Stop trying to forgive.  Stop trying to be more patient.  Stop trying to read the Word more.

Just Do It.

Whatever habit you have been trying to create for weeks or months or even years, just buckle down, tighten the reigns, and do it in 2014.  You are in control of your mind and your choices.  Set your mind and keep it set.

When we commit to trying we give the enemy and ourselves an open door to an easy way out.

Decide when you get up in the morning what kinds of choices you will make throughout the day and stick to those choices.

Here are a few examples of how this might play out:
Don't wait until after work to decide if you are going to exercise, decide in the morning, plan your day around it and then DO IT.  
Don't wait until it is 9:30 to decide what time you are going to go to bed, just make a commitment and stick to it.  
Don't wait until you get to the grocery story to decide what to buy, but make a plan and a list.  
If you are going to be spending time with a negative influence, make a decision that you are not going to join them in negativity.

Don't wait until you are in the emotion of an experience to decide.  Set your mind ahead of time and keep it set.  

When we really want something, we don't take no for an answer.  Treat your health like that this year in whatever healthy habits you are trying to create. When your emotions and flesh are screaming NO, refuse to listen. 

I was able to put this into practice a few weeks ago just days before Christmas when I had to drop off a few packages at the post office. 

Has anyone ever been to the post office just days before Christmas?   It is insane.

I was especially familiar with the insanity this year because I had made three previous attempts to send these packages and every time I drove up and saw the line out the door I immediately turned back toward home.  But I had to do it.  So finally one morning I woke up determined to send those packages and I made a choice. 

While lying in bed, before my day began I made a choice.  I said out loud: "I am going to go to the post office today.  It is going to be insane.  I am going to wait for a long time.  I am not going to get frustrated or impatient." 

Sure enough, just a few hours later when I pulled into the post office parking lot the line was long and the tension was high, but I did it.  I was the only person in that room with a smile on my face, but I did it.  I was relaxed and friendly.  I may have even calmed a few other people down around me.

All because I made a choice that morning.  I set my mind and kept it set throughout the experience.  And to be honest it wasn't that bad.  I waited for about an hour and I was calm the entire time.   

Another way I have put this into practice in through grocery shopping habits.  It was a life changing thought for me that I will eat what I have in my kitchen.  If I don't want to eat it, I need to stop buying it.

I used to always use the excuse that I was buying it for my husband or our friends that come over often, and I finally realized that I am the one who ends up eating most of it anyways.  I love having people over to our home and host quite often.  I typically like to put peanut butter M&Ms, my favorite indulgence, in a dish in our living room.  And most times after a group of people have come to visit the dish is empty by the end of the night.  I recently had a group of people over who come to our house consistently and this time instead of M&Ms I put out a plate of celery and carrots, and wouldn't you believe that plate was empty by the end of the night and NO ONE SAID A WORD.

No one asked for M&Ms.   No one really cared.

And I realized that we just eat what we have in front of us.  And I can stop buying the junk and start buying healthier foods.  Not to lose weight but to be healthy.  

Set your mind and keep it set.  If you are serious about living a healthy life this year, just do it.  While it sounds easier to say than to do, it is possible and it is your choice.

John 5 tells a story about a man that asked for healing.  This man had been ill for 38 years.  38 years!

Jesus questioned this man and asked him, "Do you really want to be well?"  This man may have gotten offended by such a simple question as in his mind of course he wanted to be well, but Jesus is asking so much more.

"Are you willing to do whatever it takes to be well?"  

At the man's response Jesus said, "Pick up your mat and walk." 

Just do it.

Stop trying and set your mind and do it.  And don't forget to ask God for help.  


  1. Thank you for sharing this. I find myself not planning things out, just like you're talking about. But I also find that when I do decide something, more often than not, it happens. Brilliant.

  2. Thank You! I'll be putting this reminder up somewhere that I can see it everyday. It's so ridiculous some of the things I put off but think about several times a day...
