Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January: Ask God for Help

Goal: I plan to start off this new year of health by giving the weight of my desire to be healthy to God.  I refuse the carry the burden of changing my body, but will rather make life giving choices that are in my control while TRUSTING God to do the rest.

I look back and recognize that in my previous pursuit of health I have been very black and white- all or nothing.  I got very motivated and then really extreme with working out every day, eating only healthy foods, and wanting to see immediate results.  I am learning that health is a two-fold, there is a part of my health that I can control and the rest of it which is only under the hand and power of God.  I will make healthy choices and leave the rest up to Him, trusting Him and resting in Him throughout this process.  I refuse the carry the yoke of health but rather invite God into this experience, knowing it is ONLY through my Healer that I can be holistically healthy and healed from the mistakes of my past.

Habit: I love making goals and resolutions and plans, and I realized how quickly I forget to invite God into my goals. I will directly invite Him into this experience each and every day.  I wrote a statement that I will confess each day of this year.  My hope is to confess and meditate on this statement at least once each day whether that is in the morning before getting out of bed, before each meal and work-out, mid-day, or at night before bed.  I put it as the background of my phone, printed it out to have in my wallet, on my mirror, by my nightstand, and in my car.  This confession is based on the word of God and it is the deepest desire of my heart.

Lord please restore my health this year.  
I can't do it without you. 
I release the control of my body to you. 
I recognize that it is not by will nor might but by your spirit that I will see health.  
Give me patience as I wait for you to act and help me not to labor in vain. 
John 15:5 - Zech 4:6 - Psalm 37:7 - Psalm 127:1

Challenge: I invite you to join me in asking God to carry the heavy burden of your health this year as you partner with Him to become healthy.  Whether it is mental health, physical health, emotional health, spiritual health, relational health, or all of the above- ASK God to help.  

Matthew 7:7 says, "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you."  


  1. I will absolutely take this challenge!

  2. THANK YOU for writing this. One thought I have as you think about your new focus on health.....Please remember that health and what your body looks like are two different things. As you know, health incorporates physical health but also spiritual, emotional and relational health. Even physical health is NOT ABOUT what your body looks like. Also, most Moms need at least a year before they are able to lose the weight they gain during pregnancy, and even when they do, your body will probably never look like it once did. Things are different shapes and in different places no matter what your weight is. Sadly, our culture has a hard time appreciating these changes as the rite of passage they are. I thought this essay was really beautiful:

    Blessings on you friend.
