Friday, June 20, 2014

drink all day

It has been harder than I would have thought to drink my suggested number of ounces of water each day.  Of course the first few days I was super motivated and drinking water all the time, but then the more life picked up, the more water I had in my bottle around 7:00 at night.  When I should have been winding down I have been having to gulp it down, keeping me up running to the bathroom all night.

Often when I attempt to create a new healthy habit, I simply forget.  In this situation the issue is not that I do not like water nor that I do not want to drink enough to stay hydrated, but I just forget.  And then I remembered that I am making a choice to successfully implement this new habit into my daily life and therefore I must address this issue of forgetfulness.

So to solve my water drinking woes, I have made a list of practical ideas as to how to increase water consumption:
1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, with each meal, and before bed
2. Put post-its on the refrigerator and bathroom mirror with the reminder to DRINK!
3. Make it taste good: use a filter, try bottled water, ice herbal tea, add lemon or lime or berries
4. Invest in a water bottle and bring it with me everywhere I go
5. Set a phone alarm each hour as a reminder to drink water
6. Get friends and family drinking water- just seeing others grab for their water bottle reminds me to do the same
7. Study and learn.  The more information I learn about the positive benefits of hydration, the more motivated I become.  This poster shows that drinking water at the correct time maximizes its effectiveness on the human body.  After learning this new information, I am more likely to remember to take a few gulps around these specific times of day.
New information continues to fuel my desire to live a healthy lifestyle.  

This reality that I create my lifestyle by my habits continues to motivate me as I seek to maintain the other healthy ways of living I have sought to create this year

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