Saturday, April 12, 2014

beyond the physical

To quickly summarize my history with exercise, I compulsively worked out at a gym for most of my adolescence, took a 5 year break since teaching, gained 60 pounds during my recent pregnancy in which I rarely moved, and am now back.  I want to learn again, reset my mind, and figure out how I want to model this healthy habit for my daughter.

Historically, the only reason I exercised was for the "look" as I was chasing the superficial trap of image.  Once I got my head on straight, this pursuit of image is actually the same reason I ran away from exercise because I found that investing as much time as I did into something so superficial was completely and utterly fruitless.  So I walked away.

Until now.

And as I have returned to this idea of exercise I come with questions, the first being why?

Why exercise?  What are the benefits?  What is the fruit?

From the few things I have learned and experienced already this month, I have been truly amazed.

Physically, I look and feel better when I exercise.  My body is able to function according to how it was designed.  I have increased metabolism and more energy.  There is healthy movement in my body in everything from blood circulation to muscle growth.  I am able to maintain a healthy weight.  My muscles get bigger and stronger, and not just like my arm muscles looking more "toned," but muscles like the heart also get stronger.  My immune system is strengthened through exercise.  Overall, this healthy habit prevents diseases, strokes, certain cancers, osteoporosis, and heart problems.

As if that would not be reason enough for me to move and take care of the one body I have been given;  I could stop there and that would be enough for me.  However, there are more benefits beyond just the physical.

Mentally and emotionally, exercise is the most effective way to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression.  When stress builds up, exercise is the best way to release all of that tension in the body.  Because of the release of endorphins, 30 minutes of exercise works in a similar way as taking an antidepressant.  While I am not suggesting that this should replace medicine when it is needed, movement is an excellent way to pursue mental and emotional health.

Relationally, exercise also presents opportunities to spend time others.  Whether it is cherished times of creating memories with loved ones, active get togethers with family and friends, or the opportunity to meet new people, a lifestyle of exercise can enhance the experience of spending time with people.  Walking, biking, running, team sports, exercise classes, and lifting weights, just to name a few examples, are much more enjoyable and easier with the accountability and presence of a friend.  I have met some incredible people throughout the years of playing team sports, had some of my most deep and intimate conversations with friends while on walks around the neighborhood, and created some of my most fun memories with my family while hiking or biking outside.  Moving together creates precious opportunities for conversation, teamwork, and bonding.

Spiritually, as I ask the question why, it became clear that the greatest why is found in 2 Corinthians 6:19-20 which says, "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?  You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price.  Therefore honor God with your body."

My body is a gift, given to me by God, that was created to move.  This verse reveals that caring for this body is a command and that God is glorified in my obedience.  As I pursue health this year, I am motivated now more than ever before to care for my body through exercise as a thank you to my Maker.

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