1. To care for our bodies as they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
2. To model health for our daughter
3. To heal from past pain
Our current pain and "sickness" could be best named as DEBT and STRESS. We, as a family, have endured much over recent years. Financially, physically, emotionally- holistically. While we have experienced much healing already and are confident that the rest is on the way, we are still grieving financial losses and praying through our next steps with the added costs of having a child. The impact of this stress on my body along with the many physical changes it has undergone with pregnancy, delivery, and recovery has left me weak, exhausted, and desperate for change.
I have always heard that if you want to get something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done. I started this new year in a state of being more than ready to try anything new to seek the financial and physical healing I deeply desire for myself and our family.
So when I decided to ask God for help in my pursuit of health this year I had 2 specific requests:
1. Physical health- not image stuff but real foundational health. A strong, energized, and thriving body.
2. Financial health- we want to be DEBT FREE so we can start writing a positive financial story rather than constantly climbing out of the negative one from our past.
So we prayed, waiting and listening for God's answer to our prayers. While I am convinced that God can and does perform instantaneous miracles all the time (like miraculous healing with one touch and unexpected checks in the mail) it is sometimes through seemingly secular opportunities, connections, and experiences that He answers our prayers and heals.
It was after watching our cousins experience so much physical and financial freedom through a company called Isagenix that we realized this could be the bridge that God could use to give us the desires of our hearts, heal our pain, and take us from where we are to where we want to be. Hayden and Emily were able to get out of debt while maximizing their energy and conquering anxiety once and for all in their lives, all through the same opportunity. In the spirit of wanting something new and therefore being willing to try something new, we wanted in. So we joined.
Last month.
And there is already fruit in both the areas we had prayed about.
Isagenix addresses both our physical and financial needs as it works like this: first we buy nutritional food and eat it. Fortunately this food fits into our monthly budget, replacing other unhealthy foods we had been eating, and therefore does not change our monthly expenses. Then we make money through continuing to buy and eat this food along with introducing it to others through an unbelievable compensation plan.
I have been eating food from this company for breakfast and can already feel a difference. I drive to work in the morning and literally can feel the ingredients energizing my body. We will also report that while we are very much just starting with this company, we are already positioned to make something like $100/month, which pays for a significant chunk of the cost of the food we purchase. This residual income will continue to increase.
Even beyond meeting those desires, this company is giving us "more than we could have asked for or imagined or thought" as after one month I can already see that it is going to simplify our life in practical ways like grocery shopping, lunch packing, and general menu planning as the food is shipped right to our door once a month. As a busy working mom, nothing could bless me more than the gift of time through a simpler lifestyle.
We are thankful for this bridge and believe God is going to use it to bring holistic healing to our lives. And we give Him all the glory.
For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory be to God forever. -Romans 11:36
We would love to have others join our Isagenix team as we continue to seek physical and financial healing. Contact me if you are at all interested in experiencing this same freedom whether it is conquering anxiety, healthy aging, weight loss, daily health, increased energy, and/or financial freedom. This could be your bridge as well.