Not because I really care anymore, but just because I remember.
I was terrified of butter, chips, and cookies. As part of my recovery I had to eat ice cream every day and cried every single time for the first month, knowing how many calories were in every single bite. My thinking was warped and for some reason all of my anxiety was centered around calories.
I am now moving out of counting calories and into counting chemicals. I don't like how that sounds because do not want to get into that kind of black and white thinking anymore in which I experience anxiety while eating any kind of food, but I do want to be more aware of specifically what I am putting into my body.
Even just starting to look and learn about all of the chemicals that are added to our foods has been extremely enlightening. I am learning there are over 3,000 additives worth avoiding, and sticking to foods as close to the farm as possible is the best way to make healthy eating choices.
Because I love lists and I need a manageable number of new vocabulary words to start with, I wanted to know the top 5 specifics that are REALLY worth avoiding. I guess I am not even sure all of these are considered the worst, but I have read multiple sources suggesting these particular words are worth checking for before making a purchase.
This is a summary of what I found:
1. Artificial Sweeteners (like aspertame)- neruotixin and carcinogen
Often found in: diet or sugar free, coke zero, jello, desserts, sugar free gum, drink mixes, cereal, breath mints, pudding, iced tea, etc.
Can cause: dizziness, headaches, mental confusion, migraines, seizures
2. MSG- amino acid flavor enhancer
Often found in: soups, salad dressings, chips, frozen entrees, cookies, Campbell soups, lunch meats
Can cause: depression, disorientation, fatigue, headaches, obesity
3. High Fructose Corn Syrup
Often found in: most processed foods, bread, candy, flavored yogurts, salad dressing, canned vegetables, cereals
Can cause: weight gain, high cholesterol
4. Food Coloring
Often found in: candy, cereal, soft drinks, mac and cheese, American cheese, ice cream
Can cause: behavior problems in children
Often found in: cereal, chewing gum, potato chips, vegetable oil
Can cause: effects nervous system, alter behavior, potential to cause cancer
I am really overwhelmed.
Even just starting to look and learn about all of the chemicals that are added to our foods has been extremely enlightening. I am learning there are over 3,000 additives worth avoiding, and sticking to foods as close to the farm as possible is the best way to make healthy eating choices.
Because I love lists and I need a manageable number of new vocabulary words to start with, I wanted to know the top 5 specifics that are REALLY worth avoiding. I guess I am not even sure all of these are considered the worst, but I have read multiple sources suggesting these particular words are worth checking for before making a purchase.
This is a summary of what I found:
1. Artificial Sweeteners (like aspertame)- neruotixin and carcinogen
Often found in: diet or sugar free, coke zero, jello, desserts, sugar free gum, drink mixes, cereal, breath mints, pudding, iced tea, etc.
Can cause: dizziness, headaches, mental confusion, migraines, seizures
2. MSG- amino acid flavor enhancer
Often found in: soups, salad dressings, chips, frozen entrees, cookies, Campbell soups, lunch meats
Can cause: depression, disorientation, fatigue, headaches, obesity
3. High Fructose Corn Syrup
Often found in: most processed foods, bread, candy, flavored yogurts, salad dressing, canned vegetables, cereals
Can cause: weight gain, high cholesterol
4. Food Coloring
Often found in: candy, cereal, soft drinks, mac and cheese, American cheese, ice cream
Can cause: behavior problems in children
Often found in: cereal, chewing gum, potato chips, vegetable oil
Can cause: effects nervous system, alter behavior, potential to cause cancer
I am really overwhelmed.
That is more than enough new information for now as I seek to make eating the sacred experience God intended it to be. Change can be so overwhelming that I have learned to step into something new little by little. So I am going to start pacing my shift in lifestyle by cutting out these particular additives as much as possible and staying in tune to my body's response.
The key to healthy change is gradual, simple, manageable lifestyle changes. One change at a time. Day by day.
I will continue to refine my lifestyle habits as I pursue health this year.
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